About Us

Music Faktory, founded in 2011, has grown from a small Dutch platform for upcoming bands and DJ’s who want to make the step to Asia especially China tot a full service independent Booking Agency and organizer of dance events.

We are not a traditional booking agency! As talent buyers we are responsible for identifying and booking the appropriate talent (DJs / Bands) for a particular venue or event (we work for clubs and festivals). The process varies greatly depending on demand of the venue, the venue’s size, and situation. We as a talent buyer are working for a venue focuses on finding the right artists for their line up or club show.

What we do

  • Find and book the right Headliner for your Festival
  • Set up complete line-up
  • Negotiating performance agreements
  • Making offers and book artists (Festival/Club /Hotel)
  • Get best price for our clients
  • Support and advise
  • Contracting
  • Organizing Underground Dance Parties

We are not a traditional booking agency! As talent buyers we are responsible for identifying and booking the appropriate talent (DJs / Bands) for a particular venue or event (we work for clubs and festivals). The process varies greatly depending on demand of the venue, the venue’s size, and situation. We as a talent buyer are working for a venue focuses on finding the right artists for their line up or club show.